Personalberater Florian Koenen

Global Business Experience

Florian Koenen

Hamburg, Philadelphia, Paris, Tokyo and back: Florian Koenen traveled the globe during his business administration degree. This far-reaching experience in addition to his MBA form the cornerstone of his professional career, which began in a well-known Hamburg-based consumer goods company. He most recently held the position of Head of the Holding Company and International Operations Manager.

In 2005, Florian Koenen’s career brought him to TOPOS Personalberatung: He took over the leadership of the company, founded in 1988 by Achim Koenen, as Chief Partner and Managing Director. Trade, consumer goods, public companies, financial service providers as well as a close collaboration with holding companies are his world.

Florian Koenen is member of the Executive Board of the Professional Association of Personnel Consultants in the BDU (Bundesverband Deutscher Unternehmensberater BDU e.V.).

Telephone: +49 (0)40-278499-20
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